Måndag 19:e
Nu har jag minsann bilder att lägga upp!!! Första veckan spenderades med att Viktor kom och hälsade på. Andra veckan åkte vi till London. Så nu är jag utvilad och redo för jobbet igen efter två riktigt härliga veckor!
When Viktor was here we went to Disneyland. Me for the third time in a year hehe.
We went out and had a huge sushi boat. Tack Viktor!! :D
The bus (Megabus) got cancelled on tuesday because of the snow, so we had to wait untill wednesday instead. We saw a couple of accidents on the way...
But we made it safe and sound!
So, of course, we spent the whole first day shopping. About 11 hours of it. (Julia at Topshop)
Second and third day touristing.
And celebrating St Patrick's day with a Guinness on our last evening. This is at the "Clash bar", in our hostel Clink 78. Really good (and cheap) hostel. And it's actually a 200 year old courthouse.
We went out and had a huge sushi boat. Tack Viktor!! :D
The bus (Megabus) got cancelled on tuesday because of the snow, so we had to wait untill wednesday instead. We saw a couple of accidents on the way...
But we made it safe and sound!
So, of course, we spent the whole first day shopping. About 11 hours of it. (Julia at Topshop)
Second and third day touristing.
My new green jacket from Topshop!